TechnoWare Solutions | Data center

Data center

Businesses today find their ability to address business needs and plans are constrained by the

reality of today’s data centers. These can include energy and capacity limitations,

operational vulnerabilities, technology constraints or operational spending requirements. To

overcome these problems, you need a business-ready infrastructure for data centre management thatspeeds innovation and supports business growth Business Continuity and Availability

Provide continuity of operations and data protection


The move to business technology makes business service availability more critical than ever. You cannot afford the impact that site outages, disasters or even operational disruption might have. Your BC&A strategy must address your business and operational risks.

 This is done through an integrated approach to business continuity, operational availability, disaster tolerance& recovery and data protection.


Choose solutions that target:

• Business continuity planning – Minimize unplanned downtime and speed recovery in the event of a major disruption


• Availability management – Avoid technology and process issues that cause downtime; continually improve your IT service levels


• Disaster tolerant & continuous computing – Protect operations through clustering, virtualization, replication and enhanced failover


• Data protection & recovery – Secure information and quickly recover lost or corrupted data in the event of an outage and we should not forget to secure your data center physically by:

Security rooms offer tailor-made protection to IT structures and other business security applications.

They deliver comprehensive security against such physical hazards as fire, water, smoke, unauthorized access, electromagnetic radiation, explosions and debris loads.

Pictures from the seminar

Slideshow Image 1 Slideshow Image 2 Slideshow Image 3 Slideshow Image 4 Slideshow Image 5

Seminar For: information security date 17/18 jan.2010

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